This was pulled out of a 1999 Ferrari 360 with only 12k miles nothing was wrong with the harness,
the issue turned out to be a separate harness on the other side of the engine
Hence why the MAF Plug was spliced and reconnected, all plugs worked when pulled out of the vehicle
But now there are 2 wires that have been cut: 1. The maf that was reconnected/rejoined (has to be done professionally) , 2. The fuel injector wire that goes to the coolant temperature sensor that is completely cut, but you will be getting both ends of the wire to reattach them
Keep in mind when purchasing this harness you will have to professionally rejoin the wires for both plugs that are cut… will be getting both pieces of the cut wires so you don’t have to sources another plug
In its condition now, as is, it is not a plug and play item considering it has to be rewired
If you don’t need the whole harness I would purchase it to have the extra plugs in case you need them in the future
These parts are only getting more and more scarce
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