This Audi A4 S4 2003-2009 Convertible Top Comfort BCM Body Control Module is a genuine stock control controller, CCM Zentrale, Cabriolet Fold Folding Roof Upper Relay, Power Main Assembly, and Convenience BCU Cab Central. It has a maximum amperage of 4A and comes with a pin terminal type. The manufacturer part number is 8H0 959 433 L, 8H0 959 433 J, 8H0959433, 8H0959433E, 8H0959433J, 8H0 959 433 E, and 8H0959433L. The module is made in Germany and comes with a manufacturer warranty of 1 month. It is compatible with ECUs & Computer Modules, Starters, Alternators, ECUs & Wiring, Car & Truck Parts & Accessories, and Parts & Accessories on Motors.