1978 Sportster 75th Anniversary Rear Fender. Description....Used......
We sell parts that are used or otherwise take-offs. Some parts are like new or very gently used, and others show signs of wear and may need to be cleaned and polished. Please see pictures for more details. We try to take pictures of any defects the part may have as well as the part number when available, so you can double check and make sure that it’s the exact item you need. If you have any additional questions, feel free to email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Customer Service
If for any reason you have an issue with our product, please choose “Contact Seller” via before leaving a negative response or opening a case. We promise to resolve any issues as soon as possible. Positive response and 5-star seller rating are extremely important to us as we are looking to provide outstanding products and services to our customers.
We reserve the right to charge a10% restocking fee on all returns.
Shipping and handling charges are not refundable.
The buyer is responsible for the return shipping fee.
We typically ship orders Monday through Friday (except for Holidays) within 24 business hours of receipt of cleared payment.
Please make sure your shipping address is correct before sending payment.
All orders are shipped with a Delivery Confirmation. You will receive and email with the tracking number as soon as your order ships.
Please allow a few extra days for delivery if there is a weather problem.
Shipments outside of United States may be delayed due to customs protocols.
**Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US territories Buyers
Your shipping rate is subject to increase, please ask about rate increase.
International buyers
Please be aware that the international buyers are responsible for the custom charges/taxes in their country