1964-1966 Chevy Truck Analog Gauge Panel AP6002
1964-66 ChevyTruck Analog Panel - AP6002
Makeyour 1964-66 Chevy Truck shine with Intellitronix Analog Direct Fit ReplacementGauge Panel. Our black polycarbonate sub surface with brush stroke finish makesit an unforgettable show stopping dash. This is truly a work of art. You cannow have an Analog direct fit for your 64-66 Chevy Truck.
Speedometer,Tachometer for 8-6-4 cylinder, Fuel Gauge, Voltmeter, Oil Pressure Gauge, WaterTemperature Gauge and Clock.
Turnsignal indicators, and high beam indicator included. It also comes with factorylifetime warranty, all necessary sending units, clear plexiglass, hardware, andinstructions.
Workswith any mechanical or electronic transmissions or you can purchase separatelya GPS speedometer sender from Intellitronix.
Automaticnighttime dimming.
Voltmeterwith high and low voltage reads from 10.0 to 18.0
OilPressure gauge displays from 0-100 psi
Speedometerreads up to 160 MPH includes one button calibration, regardless of tire size,gear ratio, or transmission, odometer, trip meter, high speed recall, 0-60time, and ¼ mile elapsed time, all with the push of a button!
Tachometerreads from 0 to 8000 in 100 RPM increments
WaterTemperature gauge reads from 100 to 260 degrees Fahrenheit
FuelLevel gauge is user programmable to work with Ford, GM, Chrysler, VDO, andaftermarket 240-33 ohm industry standard fuel senders, reads from 0-99%.
EasyInstall, Lifetime Warranty, Great Price, & Gauges that bring your truck tothe next level.
ACCESSORIES:All required sending and sensor units are included.
Unit is single wire hook up and NOT PLUG &PLAY.
We always strive to be sure that your order is accurate to meet your specific requirements. With that in mind please try to make any special requests in "BUYERS NOTES" at checkout when placing your order.
Order Processing Department and Customer Service Department (e-bay messages) are separate. Depending upon our volume of messages to be answered, any special requests made via messages instead of an added “BUYERS NOTE” with order, could be missed before your order ships. We try to catch them all and coordinate with both departments but sometimes the timing can be off.
Works with anymechanical or electronic transmissions or you can purchase separately a GPSspeedometer sender from Intellitronix.
Easy Install,Lifetime Warranty, Great Price & Gauges for your very special classicvehicle.
ACCESSORIES: All required sending and sensor units areincluded.
Spruce up your great vehicle with an Intellitronix dash panel today!
If you send an message, then please be aware that we generally work M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and it may take 2 business days or more to respond. Please be patient as we answer questions in the order in which they are received. Please read the listing carefully. Also, we do not know your specific individual vehicle, so you will need to consult a dealer or service manual for questions about your specific individual vehicle. For shipping information, lists tracking information automatically, so we cannot tell you any more than the order page will display automatically anyway, so please do not ask shipping questions unless your order has not shipped as agreed, which should not happen because we ship as agreed with . For example, if you order a 3 business days handling time item on the weekend, it counts as a Monday order, which means it must ship by Thursday (the third business day after the day the order was placed) at midnight, according to ; please do not message us on Tuesday asking where your item is when it is not scheduled to ship until Thursday, something you agreed to when you ordered the item. For technical matters, you should contact the manufacturer's technical support department directly, as we will just refer you to them anyway, so asking us technical questions is not a good use of your or our time. More info can also be found at the Intellitronix website.
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